No matter how long you've been using makeup, you probably apply it in a certain order. And you follow the same order every day, whether you're at home or on the road. In fact, you might ask, "Who doesn't?" Understandably, it would take one heck of a beauty tip to motivate you to alter your routine. It's natural to ask, "Why should I change my routine?" In fact, one timely bronzer tip can bolster its ability to do what it's meant to do best: add a warm, healthy glow to your face.
If you're intrigued, you'll have to adjust to the idea of altering your makeup routine — not a lot, but enough to make a difference. This is not to underestimate what it takes to change a routine. Our makeup routines probably go way back, starting with how we learned to apply all those wonderful powders and creams in the first place. And there is indeed a conventional order to apply makeup. You may not include all 14 steps, but Her Campus says a sensible order of application is: moisturizer, primer (a base for foundation), foundation, concealer, setting powder, eyebrow definer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, bronzer, blush, highlighter, lipstick/lip gloss, and setting spray. But one bronzer trick throws this in the garbage can.
Beauty Brains Blush says the order in which you apply your makeup "doesn't actually matter" as long as you're using all powder-based products. However, cream-based products should be used before powders to avoid streaking and caking. This reality has given rise to the powder-to-powder, cream-to-cream application approach.
If you like the sound of these assurances, then you may be ready to pull foundation from its early appearance on that ordering list and put it after bronzer. That's right: if you like using bronzer, you may enjoy putting it to a new test and applying it before, not after, foundation. This change is being heralded as the "reverse foundation technique" as well as "underpainting." TikTok users are referring to the change-up in several ways, but in either case, it means achieving a beautiful glow. To succeed, the key here is to use a beauty sponge so that the final result looks soft and natural (via iDiva). With the foundation on top, the layers should be easier to blend, too. If you decide that your makeup routine can withstand this little shake-up, why stop there? Wait until you hear the follow-up proposition.
If you have an even, clear skin tone, try skipping foundation entirely and applying bronzer to mostly bare skin (perhaps dabbed with a little moisturizer). It's true that bronzer won't have anything to cling to except your skin without foundation, but that's exactly the point. The bronzer takes center stage, and its color stands out. Claire Talks Beauty calls the imminent result a "sun-kissed glow."
Referencing the sun makes good sense; it can guide you to where to apply bronzer in the first place. In other words, since the sun naturally gravitates to your nose, forehead, and high up on your cheekbones, bronzer should look natural in these spots, too (via Rose Inc.). Just be sure to use a large, plush bronzer brush. Moved quickly over your face, the expanse of the brush will help you avoid applying too much bronzer to any one area. Applied with a light but purposeful hand, bronzer can make you look like you've spent a healthy but not excessive amount of time in the sun, resulting in a healthy, sun-smooched you.