Jennifer Aghassibake loads boxes of eggs on her cart at the Restaurant Depot, a wholesale supply store.
Between rising gas prices and supply shortages impacting individuals’ everyday lives, anyone who has bills to pay knows that existing is kind of expensive, especially as of late. But just how much money are we seeing flee our bank accounts? One San Antonian was curious to find out how much money locals are spending each week, specifically on groceries.
On Reddit, u/Pale_Adeptness asked just how much other San Antonio residents are spending on groceries every week. He wrote that a trip to the store to feed and care for his family of five (composed of himself along with his wife, two toddler sons, and 8-month-old daughter) plus two family dogs costs between $180 and $220 each week.
“Now I’m sure if we stuck to a ramen/mac and cheese diet, our grocery bill would be way cheaper but I don’t want to wreck my family’s tummies by doing that,” he points out in his post. “Groceries [have] always been the one thing I do not want to cut back on unless we absolutely have to.”
Grocery shopping seems to be a growing cost – and concern – for San Antonio residents of all backgrounds and household sizes.
“Just me and the two dogs,” one local says. “It's gone from about $120 a week to $160 a week.”
But, this is reality so some shoppers have to take supply issues, like the recent baby formula shortage, into consideration.
“Family of 4. Me, my wife, one toddler, one newborn. Anywhere between $200-$250 a week,” said a family man. “Have to buy formula in bulk so that’s another $150-$200 when it’s available.”
Carol Jeske (front) and Brandy Tilley look over produce while waiting to pick up some at Chico Boys Fresh Fruit and Vegetables recently. Jeske started her food pantry by buying from small out-of-the-way convenience and grocery stores. She eventually found wholesale suppliers such as Chico Boys.
In addition to being conscious of their basket’s total when in the checkout lane, other shoppers shared their own ways of saving some money.
“Have you heard of AAA Salvage Groceries on Presa?” asks one commenter in the know about the discount grocery store in Southtown.
“I have started buying Hill Country Fair brand everything and focusing more on produce that is still somewhat affordable. Eggs especially,” points out another shopper.
Making tasty meals without breaking the bank – or even having enough money to eat, period – may continue to be a problem. Rather than focus on couponing, or other age-old ways of saving money without compromises, local shoppers on Reddit were more about changing their habits, which may be a sign of the times.
“I’ve avoided big [price] hikes because I stopped buying as much meat, especially beef,” one person says.
They weren't the only Redditor viewing reduced meat consumption as a way to keep grocery bills low.
“Honestly eating meat 3-4 times a week is perfectly fine,” says one reassuring San Antonio resident. “Rice, beans, and some veggies are cheap and more nutritious than many other meals. Just season well and mix with other things for flavor.”
General food costs rose roughly 10% from April 2021 to April 2022, making it the largest year-to-year increase since November 1980, according to the latest available data.
I don't know about y’all, but suddenly the amount under the prominent “YOU SAVED” on my H-E-B receipt doesn’t feel all that comforting.
Sarah Martinez is a culture reporter for MySA. She is a San Antonio native and an alumna of Syracuse University. | @smartinezwrites