Lip Contouring: Get Fuller Lips In 5 Easy Steps-Lip Contouring: Get Fuller Lips In 5 Easy Steps

2022-08-13 00:33:43 By : Ms. Jessie Gao

Isn’t getting the perfect pout what we all makeup enthusiasts want? For this, we try different hacks, but usually many of those hacks don’t work. However, the beauty industry is ever-changing and new trends keep coming. So, here is a trend that you should try for fuller lips by just using makeup!

Yes, you heard it right. You can do it with lip contouring. Now, you must be wondering what lip contouring is and how to do it. Read on to know all about it. 

Lip contouring means enhancing the natural shape of your lips to make them appear bigger, fuller, and poutier. In this method, you have to use a concealer, lip liner, lipstick, lip gloss and highlighter.

Follow this guide to contour your lips. 

Exfoliating is just a way to aid smoother makeup application and that applies to our lips as well. Therefore, before trying the lip contour method, you should always exfoliate your lips. This will help you to get rid of any dead skin, thus leaving you with smooth lips that will allow you to apply your makeup without any hassle. 

To exfoliate your lips, you can either put some petroleum jelly on a brush and scrub it lightly on your lips or use some sugar and a damp cloth to make a DIY sugar scrub. 

To get a smooth base, you should cover your lips with a thin layer of foundation. 

Outline your lips using a lip liner. Choose a shade that is close to your lipstick or a couple of shades darker. Using this lip liner, make an ‘X’ at the top of your cupid’s bow,then draw a vertical line at the centre of your lower lip. Now, fill your lips with the lip liner which will add depth to your lips and also, make your lipstick last longer. 

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Choose any lipstick of your choice and apply it over your lip liner. Pick the colour closest to your lip liner, then apply another coat with a lighter shade. Then blend it with your fingers.

To make your lips look juicy, apply lip gloss or a lip balm over your lipstick. Apply a thicker coat to make your lips shinier. 

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Just like your face, a highlighter is the last but important step of lip contouring. Use a light shade of the lipstick and dab it on the centre of your lips, then use a lip brush or your fingers to gently dab the colour in.  

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